CIC Measurement Instructions for wild boar trophys.

1. Length of lower tusks.
The measurement is carried out left and right along the outside curve, from the root to the tip. At the root it will be measured from a point, which lies with the root base in a straight line and parallel to the longitudinal axis. With broken tusks (tip or base) only the existing length to a point is measured with the extreme position of the outbreak in a straight line and parallel to the longitudinal axis.

The widest part must be identified by sample measurements in different places (left). Schematic cross section: Measurement at the widest point (right).
2. Width of lower tusks
The widest part of the tusks is measured with a divider or a caliper. Abnormal thickenings are not included in the measurement.

Measurement of circumference of the upper tusks at the strongest point with the help of a ring measuring tape (left). Schematic cross section: Overspanning of notches (right)
3. Circumference of upper tusks
The widest part of the tusks are measured using a ring measuring tape. Existing outgrowths and extensions are not included in the measurements.
4. Colouring on the grinding edges of lower tusks.
To be evaluated are the grinding edges and the outside of the tusks for colouring.
Dark brown to black colouration on the grinding edges or external side;
Single-sided: 0,5 points.
On both sides: 1 points.
5. Curvature, bend, grinding surfaces, tips of lower tusks.
The enclosed template is used to review the circular curvature. The tusks are put on the template, so that the base of the tusks lies on the perpendicular centre line and the external curve normally follows the circles described.
If the tip of the lower tusks reaches or exceeds the green 45° line and meets the other conditions of tab, then the specified points can be awarded.

Circular curvature of the lower tusks;
Single-sided: 0,5 points.
On both sides: 1 points.
Uniform curvature of outer surfaces without evident longitudinal grooves (furrows);
Single-sided: 0,5 points.
On both sides: 1 points.
Extended grinding surfaces over 5 cm;
Single-sided: 0,5 points.
On both sides: 1 points.
Well formed tips;
Single-sided: 0,5 points.
On both sides: 1 points.
6. Colour on the grinding surfaces of the upper tusks.
Dark brown to black colouration on the grinding surfaces;
Single-sided: 0,5 points.
On both sides: 1 points.
7. Form of the upper tusks.
If the tip of the upper tusks reaches or exceeds the orange 90° line and the upper tusks meet the other conditions of tab, then the declared points can be awarded.
Circular curvature of the upper tusks;
Single-sided: 0,5 points.
On both sides: 1 points.

Schematic representation: both lower tusk tips exceed the green 45° line, thus 1 point; both upper tusks exceed the orange 90 ° line, thus 1 additional point, 1 point for the overlapping (touching) of the upper tusk tips (locking) (top). Only the tip of one lower tusk goes beyond the green 45° line, therefore 0.5 points; only one upper tusk exceeds the orange 90° line, therefore 0.5 points (bottom).
8. Lock of upper tusks.
For a lock of upper tusks, i.e. when the tips of the upper tusks touch each other when laid down or even overlap, an additional point is awarded.
Locking of the upper tusks (touch or overlapping of the upper tusks on the template); 1 points.

The depicted trophy reaches all addition conditions, except locking of the upper tusks
9. Deductions for lower tusk grinding surfaces.
Up to 4 cm;
Single-sided: 1,5 points.
On both sides: 3 points.
4,1- 5,00 cm;
Single-sided: 0,5 points.
On both sides: 1 point.
> 5,0 cm: 0 points.

Schematic representation: both lower tusk tips exceed the green 45° line, thus 1 point; both upper tusks exceed the orange 90 ° line, thus 1 additional point, 1 point for the overlapping (touching) of the upper tusk tips (locking) (top). Only the tip of one lower tusk goes beyond the green 45° line, therefore 0.5 points; only one upper tusk exceeds the orange 90° line, therefore 0.5 points (bottom).
10. Deductions for lower tusk asymmetry in length, width and shape.
Lower tusk deductions for asymmetry in length, width and shape: 0-3 points.
11. Deductions for upper tusk asymmetry in length, mass and shape.
Asymmetry of the upper tusks in length, mass and shape: 0-3 points.
12. Deductions for imbalance between lower tusks and upper tusks.
Imbalance between lower tusks and upper tusks: 0-1 points.
Both lower tusk tips exceed the green 45° line, thus 1 point;
both upper tusks exceed the orange 90 ° line, thus 1 additional point, 1 point for the overlapping (touching) of the upper tusk tips (locking) (top).
Only the tip of one lower tusk goes beyond the green 45° line, therefore 0.5 points; only one upper tusk exceeds the orange 90° line, therefore 0.5 points (bottom).
You can view or print the template for measurement and homologation of hunting trophies in the manual, link below
If you want you can download the wild boar Handbook for homologation and measurement here, you will be able to see all the measurements very well detailed, to do the whole process as it should.