Hunting Wild Boar in Spain

Safari Club International Spain, Grand Slam Ovis Spain, Wild Sheep Foundation Spain, CIC Spain, Global Rescue Spain, partners, associations, Ibex Hunt Associates

Hunting wild boar in Spain can be done in two different ways, by stalking or awaiting


We have different open hunting grounds in which both modalities can be put into practice, always guaranteeing the expected results. Both modalities can be combined without any problem, trying both of them the same day is the hunter wants.


We are hunting wild boar since long time ago, satisfying the hunters’ desires who were wasting their time and money when going hunting until they started hunting with us.

We hunt wild boars in hunting estates where there is a large amount of animals which allow us to take down more than one wild boar per night. Fun is guaranteed!


Hunting wild boar in Spain can also be done in closed hunting estates where spectacular trophies are taken down with maximun success guarantees.


According to the hunter’s needs and desires, a hunting estate is going to be chosen in order to make his/her dreams come true.


Offers for hunting Wild Boars in Spain.

Stalking specialists


We listen to your needs

We will help you and guide you when and how you can carry out each hunt, as well as adjust it to suit your needs, so that you meet your hunting objectives.


Hunting signed by contract

All our stalking or hunts will be signed by contract, before starting to hunt. You can consult the General Conditions of the our hunts by clicking here, these are the ones that govern all our stalks unless the specific offer specifies otherwise. These rules must be accepted by any hunter who contracts with us and must be signed, before starting to hunt.


We do not sell hunting

Our company is not dedicated to sell hunting, but we are dedicated to advising hunters, the best hunting time, viability of the species to shoot, best hunting areas, dates, trophies, prices, pros and cons of each of the hunts …, we will not try to sell anything, but help you make decisions, so that the hunter himself decides with whom, when and how to hunt the desired species, we will not generate expectations that we can not meet in our hunts or stalking.